Search Form

Enter as many search criteria as you wish. The more criteria you enter, the more specific your search will be, and the fewer results will be returned.

Search criteria are not case-sensitive.

Last name begins with:
If you are searching for a specific person, this is the easiest way. Just enter the first few letters of the person's last name. Example: reag
Full name contains:
Enter three or more consecutive letters of any part of the person's name. This is useful if you aren't sure how someone's name is spelled, or if you can't remember the last name. Example: richard
Description contains:
Can't remember the name at all, but remember what the person is known for? Examples: academy award, batman, chess, hall of fame, sister of.

Use % as a wildcard. Example: gun% will also match gunman, gunsmoke, etc.
Born on or before:
Born on or after:
Born on month & date
     (ignoring year):
Find people according to when they were born. Use "Born on month and date (ignoring year)" to look up people with a specific birthday.
Status (alive or dead)
Died on or before:
Died on or after:
Died on month & date
     (ignoring year):
Find people according to when they died.

Copyright © 1997-2025 by David Carson. Who's Alive and Who's Dead is brought to you by Living Water Specialties.