Mouseketeers, Alive and Dead

Last updated: 15 December 2009

This is a list of Mousketeers from the 1950's Mickey Mouse Club shows. The "Actors and Actresses" category in our main data base mainly lists the Mousketeers who were on the show for three seasons, and/or those who became famous afterward. The list below, on the other hand, attempts to be as comprehensive as possible.

The seasons were as follows:
  • Season 1: 1955-56
  • Season 2: 1956-57
  • Season 3: 1957-58
  • Season 4: 1958-59 (only a small amount of new material was filmed in early 1958; the rest of the shows were clips repackaged from the first two seasons).
The table shows which season(s) each Mousketeer was on the show. The following notation is used:
  • *** Was on the show for the entire season
  • -** Joined the show during the season, and stayed for the rest of it
  • **- Began the season, but left the show before the season ended
  • -*- Joined the show during the season and left during the same season
NameStatusDate of BirthDate of DeathS1S2S3S4Notes
Jimmie Dodddead3/28/191011/10/1964************adult leader
Roy Williamsdead7/30/190711/7/1976************'Big Mooseketeer'
Bob Amsberrydead6/2/192811/23/1957********-
Blue Team leader.
Nancy Abbatealive6/19/1942

Sherry Alberonialive12/4/1946


Sharon Bairdalive8/16/1943

Bille Jean Beanblossomalive1/4/1944

Bobby Burgessalive5/19/1941
************Later a dancer on 'The Lawrence Welk Show'.
Lonnie Burralive5/31/1943

Tommy Colealive12/20/1941

Johnny Crawforddead3/26/19464/29/2021***

Later on 'The Rifleman'
Dennis Daydead7/12/19427/??/2018******

He was missing for 11 months before his death was confirmed in June 2019.
Eileen Diamondalive6/15/1943


Dickie Dodddead12/27/194511/29/2013-**

Mary Espinosaalive1/16/1945

Bonnie Lynn Fieldsdead7/18/194411/17/2012


Annette Funicellodead10/22/19424/8/2013************Starred in beach movies w/ Frankie Avalon
Darlene Gillespiealive4/8/1941
Don Gradydead6/8/19446/27/2012

Later on 'My Three Sons'
Judy Harrietalive9/13/1942

Cheryl Holdridgedead6/20/19441/6/2009
Recurring part on 'Leave It To Beaver'.
Linda Hughesalive10/22/1946


Dallas Johannalive6/15/1944

Released during S1 because of his stagefright. Replaced by brother John Lee.
John Lee Johannalive12/23/1942

Bonni Lou Kerndead7/2/19429/28/2020***

Charley Laneydead6/18/19433/9/1997

Larry Larsendead9/3/19395/30/2018

Cubby O'Brienalive7/14/1946
************Was tour drummer for The Carpenters.
Karen Pendletondead8/1/194610/6/2019************
Paul Petersenalive9/23/1945

Fired for hitting the casting director. Later on 'The Donna Reed Show.'
Lynn Readydead12/3/19442/26/2018

Mickey Rooney Jr.dead7/3/19457/16/2022**-

Son of Mickey Rooney. Mickey Jr. and his brother Tim were fired after getting into mischief in the Disney paint department.
Tim Rooneydead1/4/19479/23/2006**-

Son of Mickey Rooney. Tim and his brother Mickey Jr. were fired after getting into mischief in the Disney paint department.
Mary Sartorialive1/4/1943

Bronson Scottdead7/21/19479/4/2023***

Michael Smithdead8/29/194512/3/1982***

Jay-Jay Solarialive9/12/1943


Ronnie Steineralive11/21/1942

Margene Storyalive7/21/1943


Mark Sutherlanddead12/17/19444/26/2022***

Doreen Traceydead4/13/19431/10/2018************
Don Underhillalive9/15/1941


Copyright © 1997-2025 by David Carson. Who's Alive and Who's Dead is brought to you by Living Water Specialties.